Met a pretty lady on the side of the road. She said I couldn’t please a woman ‘cause I’ve never been told, how to do it by the master of the flaps and the folds. She said, “You’re talking to her now, so get ready to know." I said, “Oh really? What’s your name?" She said, “The vagina vector, I make the labia tame. I’m headed straight for the nectar, like the birds and the bees. I’m the lesbian lord, bring broads to their knees.                                      I’m the… Clitsplitter! The queen of the bean! Clitsplitter! Van Gogh of vagine! I got a strap-on cock that’s as hard as a rock. When my finger’s on the trigger babe I leave her in shock.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I met a pretty lady on the side of the road. She told me, “Clitsplitting, baby, it never gets old. I strap a stud to my saddle and head straight for the hole. I’ll show you how to the split the clit and get her cavities full. ‘Cause I’m the vaginal empress, make her wet like a tempest. I’m the Elvis of pelvis, and her pussy’s my Memphis!                        I’m the... Clitsplitter! Picasso of pussy! I’m the… Clitsplitter! Take a bite out her tushy. Got a strap-on cock that’s as hard as a rock. When my finger’s on her trigger, babe I’ll leave her in shock. I’m the… Clitsplitter! Clitsplitter, yeah! Ueh.